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2nd place
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How to play:
Complete the registration form to obtain your Username & Password.
Bracket Prediction
Submit your Bracket Prediction for all (63) games in the Men's College Basketball Tournament between Sunday 3/16/25 & Thursday 3/20/25 at Noon ET.
The (4) play-in games on Tuesday 3/18/25 & Wednesday 3/19/25 are byes.
Leader Board
Visit our Leader Board throughout the tournament to view your results & standings.
Leader Board
Help Topics
How do Postponed/Cancelled Games Affect Scoring?
How Do I "Submit" My Picks?
How Do I Change My Screen Name?
Why Am I Not Showing On the Leader Board?
I Am A Winner, Now What?
Tie Breaker Explanation
General Issues
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Email Issues
Email Whitelisting Procedures
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How do Postponed/Cancelled Games Affect Scoring?

A cancelled game is one that will not be played in a reasonable timeframe like the other games on the original picks sheet.
ie. If a game was originally supposed to be played in week 1, but, gets moved to week 12, then it is considered "cancelled" for week 1.
A postponed game is one where the start time is changed, but, is still played in a reasonable timeframe like the other games. ie. the same "week".
The scheduled start time for postponed games will be changed on the picks page. It is up to each player to make a pick before the new start time. If the rescheduled start time affects that week's tie breaker then the rescheduled game will be used as the tie breaker. ie. If the rescheduled game starts after the original last game of the week and your pool has that as the tie breaker, then the rescheduled game will be used as the tie breaker.

Cancelled Games for Pickem-style pools

Pickem scores for cancelled games: 

Everyone gets a win, for cancelled games, no matter who they picked, as long as they made a pick.  
The game will NOT be locked prior to its originally scheduled start time.  So, everyone has a fair chance to make a pick.

People in pools with ranking type scoring methods will get credit for a win and receive their ranking points, 
as long as they made a pick with a ranking. 

Cancelled Games for Survivor / Streak style pools

Survivor / Streak scores for cancelled games: 

Once an official announcement has been made that a game is cancelled, that game will be "locked" to prevent any more survivor/streak picks being made.
Anyone who picks either of those 2 teams will get a win.



How Do I "Submit" My Picks?

Submit picks by clicking the "Save Picks" button, on the "make picks" page. "Submitting picks" is the same as "saving picks." When you click "Save Picks" - your picks are automatically submitted.


How Do I Change My Screen Name?

In general, screen name change requests will not be allowed or honored. If you have a special reason, send us a request with your desired screen name, via the contact us. Please note, screen names will not be changed after the picks deadline.


Why Am I Not Showing On the Leader Board?

The leader board only shows the top 500 scores. It sorts by score, then screen name.

If you don't have at least as many points as the last person on the leader board and your screen name is not alphabetically before the last person on the leader board, then your score will not show on the leader board.

If your leader board has a filter on the last column, like "favorite location," that filter pulls from the top 500 who are on the leader board. So, if you are not in the top 500 you will not show on the leader board, not even for your favorite location.


I Am A Winner, Now What?

Please consult the official rules for guidance on winner notification. If you won for a particular location, in a larger pool, please contact that location.


Pickem Tie Breaker Explanation

For "Pickem-style" pools:
  • Each week pick the total cumulative points you think will be scored during the last game.
  • If you don't submit a tie-breaker prediction, the system will assign you a prediction of zero points.
  • The system will track the difference between your prediction and the outcome of the designated game.
  • Your tie breaker point differences for each week will be added together throughout the season.
  • The person with the lower tie-breaker point difference will be used to break any ties at the end of the contest.

For "Bracket-style" pools:
  • If you don't submit a tie-breaker prediction, the system will assign you a prediction of zero points.
  • The system will track the difference between your prediction and the outcome of the designated game.
  • The person with the lower tie-breaker point difference will be used to break any ties at the end of the contest.
  • If multiple entries are still tied, the system will sort the entry with the earliest "last modified" date on top. Ie. The person who submitted their final edits first will be sorted on top.

For pools without a tie breaker:
  • If people are tied for a particular week, the person who submitted their picks last will sort lower than others. Ie. it is better to submit your picks earlier than to submit your picks later.
  • For "season-long" standings, since there is no tie breaker, anyone tied will be sorted alphabetically. Which does not mean that any one person is better than another. It means they are tied. So, if this happens, we recommend either splitting the prize between them (if possible). Or, put their names into a hat and randomly pick the prize winner from the names in the hat.


General Issues

This site has been successfully tested on the browsers below. If you find that this site doesn't work, please make sure you are using one of the browsers from the list below. If you find that there is an error on this site and you are using one of the browsers from the list below, please feel free to contact us.


Browsers Tested

Mobile Devices

  • iPhone - (latest versions - default browser)
  • Android - (most popular device manufacturers - default browser)

PC Browsers

  • Google Chrome (latest version)
  • FireFox (latest version)
  • Microsoft Edge (latest version)

Mac Browsers

  • Google Chrome (latest version)
  • FireFox (latest version)
  • Safari (latest version)


Email Issues

Q: Why haven't I received my confirmation email?
A: Please check your spam filter or bulk email folder. Sometimes messages can be incorrectly caught up in spam filters. Spam filters can be at several points on the internet, including: email programs, firewalls, internet security software, corporate firewalls and ISPs (like AOL or Comcast).
To avoid spam filters, please white list emails from this domain, "pooltracker.com", like "webmaster@pooltracker.com". Whitelisting procedures are here.

Q: I don't want to receive any more emails, how do I unsubscribe from further email messages.
A: Unsubscribe here.


Login Issues

If you are having issues logging in, please make sure of the following:

  • Cookies are required for logging in. Make sure your browser has cookies enabled. Instructions for enabling cookies can be found in your browser's help resources or on the web. Here is a site that has instructions for various browsers. Please be aware that firewalls and internet security software can also disallow cookies for particular sites. Please note, you may need to search the web for an up to date site for instructions on how to "enable cookies."
  • You are typing in the correct credentials. Sometimes browsers can save credentials, make sure the correct credentials are saved. Also, if your browser saves credentials, please make sure you don't type over the credentials.
  • If you are still having issues, you may want to try installing a new browser on your computer or trying a different computer on a different network. ie. If you are having issues with your work computer, you may want to try logging in on your home computer.


Email Whitelisting Procedures

How To Whitelist pooltracker.com in your Spam Filter

Email Providers


Spam Blockers

Cloudmark SpamNet

If you currently use an anti-spam program or service, we ask that you take just a minute or two to add our publication to your "safe" or permitted email sender list. This usually involves simply adding our sending address (From:) to your whitelist, safelist, or list of priviledged senders. This is commonly known as whitelisting a publication.

Please refer to the following whitelisting instructions you can use to whitelist pooltracker.com, depending on the filtering solution you use:


Go to keyword: Mail Controls. Select the screen name we're sending your pooltracker.com to. Click Customize Mail Controls For This Screen Name.

Version 9.0:

Open your latest pooltracker.com e-mail. Click the Add Address button (on the right) to add to your "People I Know" list.

Alternatively, you can just send an e-mail to: webmaster@pooltracker.com, and that will add us to your "People I Know" list automatically. To do this:

Open your latest pooltracker.com e-mail. Click the Reply button (it's in the top right corner). A new email window opens with the wrong address in the "Send To" box. Replace the address in the Send To box with: webmaster@pooltracker.com Click Send Now (in the top right corner). Even if the e-mail you send doesn't get through to us, the act of sending it does the job of putting us into your "People I Know" list.


If pooltracker.com is filtered, from the spambox, click on the white "W" icon on the left column of the mailing. When the pop-up window comes up, simply click the Add to Whitelist button.

Alternative whitelisting methods:

* Click on the White List button. Add: webmaster@pooltracker.com to the bottom of your existing list. Click the Submit List button.

* Click the Subject White List button. Add: mdmgames to the bottom of the list on a line by itself. Click the Submit List button.

Cloudmark SpamNet:

Select Cloudmark | Options... from the Cloudmark SpamNet toolbar in Outlook. Click Advanced. Go to the Whitelist tab. Click the Add button. Type: webmaster@pooltracker.com Click OK. Click OK. Click Yes. Click OK.


Click on Address Book (it's over on the left, below your Folders). When your Address Book opens, click the Add button. On the Add Contact screen, find the Internet Information box. Enter webmaster@pooltracker.com into the top Email box. Click Save.


Click the Options link, on the main menu tabs, then Safe List. Type: webmaster@pooltracker.com in your Safe List. If you see a message that should not be in your Junk Mail folder, click 'This is not Junk Mail' to avoid having e-mail from the same source sent to the Junk Mail folder in the future.


Click the Addresses tab. Click New. Type: webmaster@pooltracker.com Make sure 'Accept Mail From This Address' is selected="selected" under Receiving Options. Uncheck 'Display in People Picker' under Other options. Click Submit. Click OK.


Click Friends from the toolbar. Click Add. Type: webmaster@pooltracker.com Click OK.


Click Tools, then Blacklist & Friends. Click Add... on the right, the Friends list side. Make sure Plain email address is selected. Type: webmaster@pooltracker.com Click OK. Click OK.

McAfee Spamkiller:

Click Friends from the sidebar. Click Add. Type: webmaster@pooltracker.com Click OK.


Click on Settings: E-mail | Junk e-mail (it's at the bottom left of the screen, just above Calendar) On the E-mail settings screen, click Junk E-Mail Guard. Select Safe List. In the space provided under "Add people to the safe list", enter webmaster@pooltracker.com. Click Add.


Check your 'Probably Spam' folder. If you see that pooltracker.com was incorrectly filtered out, select it, and click the 'Move to Inbox and Mark as Not Spam' button.

Outlook 2003:

Add webmaster@pooltracker.com to your Safe List. Add webmaster@pooltracker.com to your Personal Contacts in your Outlook Address Book. Open any desired e-mail, then select Mark as Not Junk.


Add the following entry to your user_prefs file, which is found in the .spamassassin subdirectory on your web/mail server:

whitelist_from webmaster@pooltracker.com

Save the user_prefs file or move the updated copy to your .spamassassin subdirectory. If you have no user_prefs file in this subdirectory, create one: http://spamassassin.taint.org/... http://www.cleanmymailbox.com/sa


Click the Configure button. Go to the Known Senders tab. Click Add under 'Known Good Senders and Recipients'. Type: webmaster@pooltracker.com Click OK. Click OK.


Open your browser and go to: http://webmail.spamcop.net Log into your SpamCop account. Click on the Options icon in the toolbar. Under Mail Management (in the middle), click SpamCop Tools. Select Manage your personal whitelist. Near the bottom, where it reads "Click here to add to your whitelist", click on Click here. Enter webmaster@pooltracker.com in the first empty slot. Click Submit.

Spameater Pro:

Click Filters from the sidebar. Click the Approved Senders tab. Click Add Filter. Type: webmaster@pooltracker.com under Address. Choose 'Full Email Address' under Address Type. Select Email Domain. Click OK.

Spam Inspector:

Select Spam Inspector, then 'Manage Friends List' from either the Spam Inspector toolbar or from the Outlook menu. Make sure Email is selected="selected" under 'Add a New Friend'. Type: webmaster@pooltracker.com Click the >> button. Click Close.

Spam Interceptor:

Follow the Trusted link under > Authentication Lists. Enter the email address: webmaster@pooltracker.com Click Add.


On the Spamkiller sidebar, click Friends. Click Add. Enter webmaster@pooltracker.com and click the OK button.


Click on the SpamPal system tray icon with the right mouse button. Click 'Add to Whitelist' from the menu. Type: webmaster@pooltracker.com Click Add.

Spam Sleuth:

Select File, then Configure. Go to the Friends category. Make sure Active is checked. Type: webmaster@pooltracker.com on a line by itself in the entry field. Click OK.


Go to your Verizon Inbox. Click Options. Select the Block Senders tab (near the top of the screen). On the Block Senders screen, you'll see both a "Block Sender List" and a "Safe List". In the space where it says "Enter e-mail address or sub domain to always accept even if the domain is blocked", enter webmaster@pooltracker.com.

Yahoo! Mail

Open your Yahoo! mailbox. Click Mail Options. Click Filters. Click Add Filter. In the top row, labeled 'From header:' make sure Contains is selected="selected" in the pull-down menu. Click in the text box next to that pull-down menu, then enter the address: webmaster@pooltracker.com At the bottom, where it says "Move the Message To:" select Inbox from the pull-down menu. Click the Add Filter button again.

If pooltracker.com has been filtered to your "bulk" folder, simply open the message and click on the "This is not Spam" link next to the "From" field.

Other providers:

If pooltracker.com is being filtered, try adding webmaster@pooltracker.com to your Address Book or Contact list. If this option is not available, try moving the message to your 'inbox' or forwarding the message to yourself.

If subsequent messages continue to be filtered, call or e-mail your ISP's technical support and ask how you can be sure to receive all e-mail from webmaster@pooltracker.com.

Domain: If they need to know the domain we're mailing from, tell them: mdmgames.com or pooltracker.com